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Why Ingenta?

Specialized AI Engine for Education

New personalized learning experience, outstanding results, on-demand service, seamless implementation

Public / Private Schools, Cram Schools, EdTech Providers



Education Institutions

Annual Service Users from ExamMaster, LearnBest, and GradeMe Products



Service Students

Annual questions graded and analyzed for Elementary and Middle Schools




How it Works?

Dr. Euler Series are helping end users in these scenarios:

Personal AI Tutor

Dr. Euler is your Personal AI Tutor, helping you learn more efficiently and make learning more interesting.

Knowing Yourself

Dr. Euler understands your strengths and weaknesses from your test results and makes improvement plans.

24/7 Automatic Teaching Assistant

Dr. Euler is your teaching assistant to help grade tests and analyze students' performance.

Dr. Euler Education DX Series

Our Dr. Euler product series offers on-demand services for students, teachers, publishers and education institutions:

GradeMe ™

Auto-Grading DX product providing robust, fully-automated grading systems and APIs to dramatically save teachers' grading time up to 98%.

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LearnBest ™

Learning DX product including AI adaptive learning, personalized improvement plans, proficiency analysis for students to increase learning efficiency.

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ExamMaster ™

Exam Analysis DX product including predictive performance analytics, weakness analysis, and strategic goal recommendations for students and teachers to improve school admission probability.

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SaaS Product

Our modularized SaaS product serves your needs. A flexible, on-demand product, which can be easily implemented to your services.


We provided various AI-powered APIs to be easily connected to your systems, and seamlessly expand your services.

Flexible Choices to Implement Dr. Euler

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Emerging Era of Education DX :

AI is reshaping the campus, and Ingenta's Dr. Euler solution is designed by a team of professionals from Stanford and Columbia Univ. to provide AI personalized services for enriching your online and offline learning experiences.

Dr. Euler

Your Personal AI Counselor is Here to Help You Achieve Your Dream

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