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Qualification Result Prediction

Predict the passing probability of the qualification exam

Simply providing the historical mock exam data of the student, ExamMaster can predict the passing probability of the qualification exam. This feature offers quick assessment in the application of school entrance exams or any professional qualification tests.

Performance Predictive Analytics

Provide objective analysis to know how you perform compared to other students

AI is proven with outstanding performance in uncovering relations between data. Our data-driven approach provides quantitive insight for students to know how they perform and what to focus to achieve their goals.

Target List Recommendation

Set your target schools strategically and never miss your potential candidates

With Ingenta educational graph AI technology, ExamMaster uncovers the insight among nationwide exam data and provide the optimal options for you. Plan well and discover your potential target candidates.

Personalized Improvement Plan

Know your strength and weakness; provide efficient improvement plans

ExamMaster discovers which subjects needed to be improved and customizes improvement plans for specific goals you set, helping you get qualified efficiently.

ExamMaster is a platform that utilizes objective AI analysis based on data related to students' academic performance. It provides teachers and students with an intuitive understanding of the results. By using ExamMaster, students can gain a more accurate assessment of their academic abilities and efficiently address their weaknesses. Moreover, the time and effort previously required for academic analysis, traditionally performed by teachers, can now be conducted by AI. This enables teachers to provide even more valuable guidance to students.

Objectives: Our primary objective is to improve students' learning outcomes and entrance examination admission rates while reducing the teachers’ workload. We strive to achieve this by harnessing the power of educational AI to accurately evaluate students' academic abilities and recommend tailored strategies for improvement.

Design Concept


Boy Chiang | Product Design Manager

We have crafted a simple and intuitive mobile interface for ExamMaster, aiming to ensure ease of operation for both students and teachers on the platform. Various visual charts, such as bar graphs and radar charts, have been designed to visualize data analysis results, assisting students in gaining a clear understanding of their subject proficiency. This allows students to quickly identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

Furthermore, to alleviate visual strain caused by prolonged screen exposure, we have implemented a Dark Mode feature. This makes the platform more comfortable in low-light environments while also extending the battery life of mobile devices. The Dark Mode feature is optional, allowing users to effortlessly switch between light and dark modes based on their preferences. This design provides a smoother and more comfortable user experience, ensuring that the process of using ExamMaster is both effortless and enjoyable.


Combine Inc. | JAPAN

Exammaster App

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